Life Under Growlights visits Folia Paradise: an event by Garden Paradise Singapore and Terra & Ember

It’s a bright Saturday morning. Not too hot, but the sun is starting to warm things up.

Today’s itinerary is a visit to Terra&Ember where they are hosting Folia Paradise in collaboration with Garden Paradise Singapore. I’m excited; I’ve got some pre-ordered plants to collect and I’m looking forward to seeing the Hoyas.

I’m not disappointed.

Hoyas and bromeliads abound! I ran into a few familiar faces (trust me, when you run in similar circles you’ll meet a few familiar faces).

There were pottery samples too! I adore the marbled mugs (but the red one is even more gorgeous…). For the interested, hit up Terra&Ember for pottery workshops. I went for one recently and had loooooads of fun.

Alan of Terra&Ember sharing about their workshops.

I ended up buying a Hoya Carnosa red and a Hoya sp (I forgot the name, sadly), as well as a black dragon cactus (ceropegia, if I’m not wrong, bosseri). It’s gorgeous and I can’t wait to plop it into one of the pots I made during my Terra&Ember pottery session.

Carnosa red.

Overall, the event was really fun. The Thai Milk Tea was amazing (and I don’t even like milk tea). I’m hoping it’s going to be a regular event, because it’s a great place to meet familiar faces, have a chat with friends and learn more about different plants.